Friday, November 27, 2009

Conflict of Interest Carol Browner, czar

Odd, a fairly close reading of the U.S. Constitution reveals no provision for the office of ''czar''. I guess it is possible that I missed it, but it is more likely that such a thing was never imagined by the founders, nor by most Americans then or since.
Yet we seem to have acquired a number of them. The experience to date confirms my belief that this is the wrong way to go.
Case in point, one Carol Browner. You may have heard the name. Ubama stuck her into one of these 'czar' jobs, one long on power and short on accountability and ability to pass Constitutional muster. And, apparently, no more possessed of any ethical considerations, putting her in good company in that band of thieves.
Here's a story worth reading.
This is progress?

Should We Call It 'ClimateGate'' or ''ClimateQuiddick'?

This is really getting interesting. And now we are starting to see more and more clearly the links, the connect-the-dots connections between the AGW Fraudsters and their co-conspirators in the LameStreamMedia. And, now, the connections into the Whte House.

Check this one out. While doing so, think about why this is not being put front page above the fold in the major newspapers in the U.S. The TV networks you already know about - the connections between Immelt at GE, GE to NBC and its cousins, and the so-called 'Green Energy' crap that GE hopes to have us required to buy from them. Made possible by Ubama's cronies. It's an ugly story, and we're not to the bottom of the manure pile yet.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Viewing the headlines

Been a week of really amazing revelations of the corruption and deceit among those who feel empowered and worthy to rule over us. And that certainly seems to be their intent.

Let us see.

A revelation with respect to an (illegally) fired Inspector General, whose ''offense'' was discovering and preparing to reveal corruption among the rising stars in the Democrat Party who were/are Friends of Obama. Read it here.

Or perhaps, the revelation of MASSIVE fraud within the ranks of the purveyors of the Great Global Warming Scams. See here. And here. And here. Or here. Here. Here also.
And, always recommended, see here.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Headline of the Day --- 'Death Panels' redux

comes now a story out of the U.K., you know, the place with that 'wonderful' National Health Service that Ubama and Pelousy want to foist off on America. Can't do much better than the title, but go read it.

Elderly and disabled could be 'forced to commit suicide' under changes to rules

Of course, it could never happen here, right?