Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Civilization's Collapse

Sometimes, it's interesting to look back a few years, to look again at the warnings that were uttered, the ones that were ignored at the behest of all the In-Crowd types.  The warnings that are playing out.
It's not a whole lot of fun, actually.  It's scary in fact.
We don't teach history any more, not really.   We have persons in the voting booth who know NOTHING about the history of the world or of our civilization.  Who know NOTHING of the history or structure or laws of their country.  Who seem to think that history, or more properly, History, began around 1988 or so. If not after.  Who don't know who the antagonists were in World War 1, or WW 2 for that matter.  Who think that the Constitution really does demand that taxpayers fund their tampons, or condoms, or "sex change" or desired life styles.
I know some of them.  Perhaps you do as well.
And their descendants will be worse.

Out of this, do you  really think that things we hold dear and part of the natural order, will still be intact in 100 years?  or 50 years?  Or 20?  Or 10??
Look at things in Milwaukee before you answer.  Or Baltimore.  Or Houston.  Or New Orleans, Memphis, Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles, Oakland, Newark, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Birmingham, or any of a number of other places I could list.  And that's just in the U.S.  Nairobi, Cologne, London, Paris, Nice, and several others.
Gonna get bad, real bad.

And we were warned.  Many times in many ways and all of them ignored.
I was looking up some old links this morning.  Found one dating back to 2006 by Orson Scott Card.  Title is Civilization Watch 

How ya doing?

Everybody enjoying the political cycle we're in?
OK, is anyone enjoying it?
There are some points I like.
It's been interesting, to say the least, to hear the squawks of, not just the Legion of the Perpetually Aggrived Social Justice Warriors, but also the screeches amongst the "connected" types of what we are clearly seeing to be the Uni-Party in this country.  And, likewise, the upset within the Globalist types worldwide.  Not "just" from what's being called Brexit, the British referendum to get the heck out of the E.U.  But also the screeches from those persons enraged at the Trump phenomenon, wanting to shut down his calls to re-evaluate NATO, or to bow to the false gods of "multiculturalism", political correctness, open borders, TPP, NAFTA, the UN, and much else.  Perhaps even the noxious GATT, G-20, etc.  And the death knell of the North American Union and much else.
Interesting to see which names pop up.  Interesting to see the bad behaviors of the crowds around publications like Weekly Standard, National Review, and several others.  As we watch known names like George Will, Rich Lowery, Charles Krauthammer, show their elitist colors.

It's not pretty.  But it is necessary and long overdue.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Civilizational collapse again. Still.

Looking at the morning news and messages, I see further evidence of the decay of the society.  I fully expect to see the final collapse in my lifetime, meaning soon, unless we hear the Last Trumpet sound, something I've always expected.  The two may coincide of course.  Perhaps.
As evidence, I offer three items.
  • plain idiocy.  Emory University, a liberal arts college in the Atlanta area that was founded by the Methodists (and followed the degeneration of that crowd), is all upset.  It seems that some anonymous person actually put some words in support of the presidential candidacy of Donald Trump, on some sidewalks using chalk.  Now the little snowflakes are trembling in fear and outrage that someone  -- gasp! --- has dared to upset their little world.  See one episode of the story here.
  • Or, some fellow fools at Columbia U have determined that the Belgians are the ones to be blamed for the latest outrage perpetrated by the Moslem heathens there.  Because, well, Islamophobia or something.
  • and then there is the bowing of the National Football League to the wild ravings of the homosexual lobby, the so-called Lavender Mafia.  Rumor has it that some states who are cursed to have NFL franchises within their borders are having the gall to protect bakers and others from having to provide products and services (and loud cheers) to support the weirdest imaginings of the perverts, and allow them to decline to make wedding cakes in honor of homosexual "marriage".  So the NFL is clutching their pearls and threatening to smite someone with their handbags unless the state legislature recants (and, probably, enters re-education camps).  The "bread and circuses" movement going further.  See here.
 More examples may be found.

Collapse is imminent.

Monday, March 7, 2016

new world (dis)-order?

There's a story up at Cleveland.com that tells about the 112,500 jobs lost in Ohio, just in 2015, to the other players in the "TransPacificPartnership" crowd.
That's a pretty large number.  That's 112,500 fellow human beings who either lost an existing job, or who now have fewer opportunities.  That's a lot of un-taken vacations, a lot of birthday parties skipped for lack of funds, a lot of stresses, a lot of closed businesses.
It's not a theoretical far-off thing for me. Have been there.  Several times.  The operation that had more business than it could comfortably handle in 1982, closed in 1984.  The division of GM with some 15,000 employees in 1984, down to a few hundred today and dwindling, most of its sites closed.  The operation I was at from 1990-1992 which has undergone a continuous path of downsizing and buyouts and near-closures (the satellite operations in Texas and in Florida have closed).  The operation I was at 1992-1999 which was bought out and gutted, with satellite operations in places like Kansas closed, and much of the remainder consisting of repackaging Chinese- and Mexican-made product for sale.  The operation I was at 1999-2004 closed as part of it's major customer's relocation to Mexico, affecting not only my operation, but nearly a dozen others in the area, all now empty buildings.  The operation I was at 2004-2005 that shut down both my operations in that town, but did so in the middle of my relocation there!  Or the one that I moved to in 2005 that shut down most of its national operations, relocating to "my' place, displacing us and abandoning long-operating facilities in several other states.
I've been there.
The next person who tells me "it's for the best", I may do an injury to.

Lots of blame to go around.  Avaricious bureaucrats.  Avaricious unions.  The worthless bums of the EPA, state and federal.  The acolytes and priests of the "New World Order".  The "citizen of the world" louts.  Creepy tort-feasing lawyers.  And much else.

But that's a lot of cases where someone had to come home and tell the family The Bad News.  I've done it, done it more than most.

Monday, January 18, 2016

A brief January note

There are those who are determined to worship before the altar of the false god called "Education".
Like any other cult, all issues are viewed through the lens of the cult and its belief system.  Worshiping more fully that god will, we are told, solve all problems.  Indeed, we are told, all problems really come about as a result of insufficient deference to, worship of, and sacrifice before that god and that altar.
Yeah, right.
Of course, those priests and priestesses of that cult have arrogated unto themselves the right and duty to interpret and re-interpret and even to re-re-interpret terms, words, and phrases so as to make their "system" seem inevitable.
Then we see contrary evidence.  Odd that they don't.
Here's an example.  A community college in the Peoples Democratic Socialist Soviet Republik of Portland Oregon, is going to devote its hoarded resources so as to spend the entire month of April in something called "White Shaming".  If it reminds you of "thoughtcrimes" in 1984, or the re-education camps of Pol Pot's Cambodia and Mao's China during the Great Cultural Revolution, you're not wrong.  Though the contrast is lost on these fools.
And these are the ones who have inexplicably gained control of the arena of ideas, the LameStreamMedia, much of the Congress, the judiciary, the "alphabet agencies", all too many churches, and the White House.