Monday, January 18, 2016

A brief January note

There are those who are determined to worship before the altar of the false god called "Education".
Like any other cult, all issues are viewed through the lens of the cult and its belief system.  Worshiping more fully that god will, we are told, solve all problems.  Indeed, we are told, all problems really come about as a result of insufficient deference to, worship of, and sacrifice before that god and that altar.
Yeah, right.
Of course, those priests and priestesses of that cult have arrogated unto themselves the right and duty to interpret and re-interpret and even to re-re-interpret terms, words, and phrases so as to make their "system" seem inevitable.
Then we see contrary evidence.  Odd that they don't.
Here's an example.  A community college in the Peoples Democratic Socialist Soviet Republik of Portland Oregon, is going to devote its hoarded resources so as to spend the entire month of April in something called "White Shaming".  If it reminds you of "thoughtcrimes" in 1984, or the re-education camps of Pol Pot's Cambodia and Mao's China during the Great Cultural Revolution, you're not wrong.  Though the contrast is lost on these fools.
And these are the ones who have inexplicably gained control of the arena of ideas, the LameStreamMedia, much of the Congress, the judiciary, the "alphabet agencies", all too many churches, and the White House.

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