Tuesday, August 16, 2016

How ya doing?

Everybody enjoying the political cycle we're in?
OK, is anyone enjoying it?
There are some points I like.
It's been interesting, to say the least, to hear the squawks of, not just the Legion of the Perpetually Aggrived Social Justice Warriors, but also the screeches amongst the "connected" types of what we are clearly seeing to be the Uni-Party in this country.  And, likewise, the upset within the Globalist types worldwide.  Not "just" from what's being called Brexit, the British referendum to get the heck out of the E.U.  But also the screeches from those persons enraged at the Trump phenomenon, wanting to shut down his calls to re-evaluate NATO, or to bow to the false gods of "multiculturalism", political correctness, open borders, TPP, NAFTA, the UN, and much else.  Perhaps even the noxious GATT, G-20, etc.  And the death knell of the North American Union and much else.
Interesting to see which names pop up.  Interesting to see the bad behaviors of the crowds around publications like Weekly Standard, National Review, and several others.  As we watch known names like George Will, Rich Lowery, Charles Krauthammer, show their elitist colors.

It's not pretty.  But it is necessary and long overdue.

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