Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Civilization's Collapse

Sometimes, it's interesting to look back a few years, to look again at the warnings that were uttered, the ones that were ignored at the behest of all the In-Crowd types.  The warnings that are playing out.
It's not a whole lot of fun, actually.  It's scary in fact.
We don't teach history any more, not really.   We have persons in the voting booth who know NOTHING about the history of the world or of our civilization.  Who know NOTHING of the history or structure or laws of their country.  Who seem to think that history, or more properly, History, began around 1988 or so. If not after.  Who don't know who the antagonists were in World War 1, or WW 2 for that matter.  Who think that the Constitution really does demand that taxpayers fund their tampons, or condoms, or "sex change" or desired life styles.
I know some of them.  Perhaps you do as well.
And their descendants will be worse.

Out of this, do you  really think that things we hold dear and part of the natural order, will still be intact in 100 years?  or 50 years?  Or 20?  Or 10??
Look at things in Milwaukee before you answer.  Or Baltimore.  Or Houston.  Or New Orleans, Memphis, Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles, Oakland, Newark, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Birmingham, or any of a number of other places I could list.  And that's just in the U.S.  Nairobi, Cologne, London, Paris, Nice, and several others.
Gonna get bad, real bad.

And we were warned.  Many times in many ways and all of them ignored.
I was looking up some old links this morning.  Found one dating back to 2006 by Orson Scott Card.  Title is Civilization Watch 

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