Saturday, February 28, 2009

Kakistocrat of the Day 28 Feb 2009 Chas Freeman

It is astonishing how many worthless louts are associated with Obamarama. Here is another one. No one should be astonished that a person who is a long-term apologist for the Islamo-fascists of Saudi-infested Arabia AND the mass-murdering ChiCom ''heroes'' of Tien An Men Square should thereby qualify for an appointment in a national security post for Obama.

In a better time, such a person would have been, at the very least, had his shadow spit upon and cast from the company of honest men. That latter part is, I think, still the case, but honor and decency seem to be strangers to the new bandits in the Executive Branch.

Read up on here. Or here. Or here. And here.

Quite a record of creeps there, Obama. And those of you who voted these louts in, I hope you are proud of yourselves.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Today's Winner. Or is that weenie?

There are so many ''worthy'' candidates. Really there are.
But we need a truly worthless one, a politician who proves not only that he is a worthless bums, but that the voters in that state, having elected his treasonous and worthless father to office for far too long, but that they are stupid enough to continue the family racket. And, oddly enough, it is not one of the worthless Kennedy (spit, spit) klan.
No, today's weenie is one Christopher Dodd. It would take quite a lot to describe all the ways that he is a worthless bum. The damage that he has done to this country simply in the area of financial machinations is amazing. But take a look at this story. You probably won't see it on CBS or in the New York Slimes. Take a look.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

''Alleged Beheading'' ????

Not all of the kakistocracy is in government, of course. A whole lot is, of course, and not just in elected positions either.
Some of it, very much, is in academia. We'll get to some of that later.
But the chattering classes in the news media are filled with some of these dolts. And ''dolt'' is about the nicest word that I can think of.
Here is a pretty good example of it. A person who has managed to have a piece published in the Toronto Star. Kathy English, writing there, seems to feel that the murder of a woman by her husband for the ''crime'' of wanting a divorce should not be connected to his Muslim faith nor Shariah law. Now, self-delusion and willful blindness are not all that rare. But we rarely get so far into denial as to descend to a phrase such as ''alleged beheading''. That's a new low. There was nothing ''alleged'' about this, the guy cut his wife's head off. Something almost unknown, by the way, except amongst the Muslims of the world. Pretty much a characteristic of that bunch.
Yet, somehow, these ''molders of public opinion'' can't be bothered to admit it, and deliberately obscure the truth.
So, Kathy English and your cohorts at the Red Star North, you are hereby elected to 'Kakistocrat of the Day'. Take your bow.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Idiocy Of, and Idiots Involved In, the Faux 'Stimulus''

Other than the idiocy of the entire concept, the details of this asinine boondoggle just continue to amaze me. Here's a good example: the louts have managed to de-rail the whole E-Verify system, thereby guaranteeing that many of the few ''infrastructure'' jobs that may be 'created' will go to the illegal aliens that populate the construction business. Of course, they have also pretended to deal with that by making these jobs be unionized jobs. Big payoff for the AFL-CIO thugs, of course.

And now we find that one of these ''stimulus'' provisions is to provide habitat for a mouse in Speaker Nancy Pelousy's district. Some benefit to the country's economy, right?

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Yes the inmates have taken over .... uh, well, the burglars have claimed title ...

Some things you really expect to be quips from the Onion. That would make sense.
Some things do not make sense. As in the case of criminal invaders, criminals I say, being somehow deemed to have 'standing' to enter an action against someone, an American citizen, who was (boo! hiss!) trying to prevent them from their criminal activities.

Read this. Then weep for the nation that we love, the nation that is dying the death of a thousand cuts.
I am in favor of a bounty on the ears of illegal aliens. But I am even more in favor of one, a higher payment, for creepy lawyers. And more than a few judges.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

A Visual Example

This is as good a visual example as you are likely to see today.

Note: this is not a commercial and this blog gets nothing, nada, from any commercial sites. But it is pretty cool.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Zero Tolerance Means Zero Brains

There are those who presume to rule over us, whether we will or not. Some occupy high office, with titles we recognize, faces on TV, and names we know. Others secrete themselves in the bureaucracy, issuing regulations with the force of law but without the accountability that comes with elected position. Some are on the national scale. Others merely pollute the small region that unhappily houses them.
Comes now a story out of Denver, Colorado. Read it and weep for the destruction of good sense and the ascendancy of idiocy.
Did you know that a fabrication of foam and duct tape, used as a prop in a marching drill team for the Young Marines, constitutes a ''dangerous weapon'' that REQUIRES a high school student to be expelled from High School?
Unhappily, some of the worst idiots are in the school systems. Some blame the unions. They're wrong, mostly. The unions are a symptom of idiocy, not the first cause.
Meanwhile, reflect that imbeciles such as this have day-to-day control over YOUR kids, and your neighbors' kids and on down the line.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

February 03, 2009

When one starts to list those who comprise the kakistocracy, the hard part is knowing where to start. The numbers, in comparison to the world population, are not that great, but it's a group one could not count on fingers and toes. Being a technical sort of person, the inclination is always to create categories, sub-categories, and rate that rascals. And, of course, there is always the fact that some of these scoundrels belong in more than one category.

Let us begin with one truly worthless scoundrel: Al Gore.
He fits in more than one category, obviously:
  • environazi
  • politician
  • liberal fascist
and probably others.
I do not blame him for being wrong. All of us have been wrong, all of us have been mistaken, more than a few us, certainly including yours truly, have been a jerk once or twice. But Al Gore has been exceptional in all of those areas, and has added to it his determination to make life miserable for any person or persons who have the temerity to disagree with him. Case in point, the story of Dr. Will Happer, once the Director of Energy at the Department of Energy. Until 1993, when Al Gore fired him for disagreeing about the fraud of global warming. Read about it in this account out of the United States Senate.
You can't make this stuff up -- There's a Global Warming thing going on in Buffalo, NY. Temperature there hit -6 Farenheit. I think that they would have preferred warming. By the way, based on the history, warming is good for people. Cold is bad, very bad. Not that the illiterati have figured that out. Read here and laugh.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Just Getting Started

We'll be back in just a bit. Don't go too far away.