Sunday, July 26, 2009

Obama's Dr. Mengele Approach with UPDATE

Any one who somehow believes that the notion of killing off those that the Elites deem to be worthless died with the National Socialist German Workers Party need to guess again.

Have a look here. The term ''useless gobbler'' was, incidentally, a term used by the leaders of that very same Socialist (though not Marxist) group. Sounds like Dr. Mengele et al are being 'rehabilitated' in absentia. Aren't you proud of ''Progressivism''??

This is worth watching. It won't make you comfortable. But it will give you some needed background on the Useless Eaters term. Is it not interesting how often 'Progressivism' reveals itself as another term for mass murder? Jonah Goldberg was quite correct in his use of the term 'Liberal Fascism'.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Cutural Equivalence and Diversity --- Lies, All

Does anyone else get weary beyond belief at these 'Diversity Pimps' that seem to clutter up the landscape wherever you go? The ones who preach a message that they call 'tolerance', or actually,
meaning that
  • all belief systems are equally true
  • all cultures are equally valid
  • all beliefs and opinions are equally worthy
except, of course
  • if you don't agree with the above, in which case you are a dangerous heretic, an Enemy of the People, and must be liquidated or 're-educated', in no particular order
I have a problem with this crap, shoveled out by those who presume to be Our Betters, those Anointed Ones Whose Opinions Count.
Here are some examples of why.

The Norks.
Do you like children? Not everyone does; but most of us, and by that I mean those of us fortunate enough to grow up and live in the parts of the world once known as Christendom, and now simply called Western Civilization, recognize the human worth of children and the moral obligations that we individually have for them. You may recall some Biblical injunctions on the subject.
Not every one agrees, and not every nation and culture goes along with that.
What do you think of the practice of using children, primarily ill and disabled children, as test subjects in chemical and biological warfare experiments? It's being done, in the Marxist Socialist People's Paradise of North Korea.
Read up on it here.]
and remember
Celebrate Diversity!


What's your opinion on forcible rape?
Good, bad, indifferent?

On children?
Good, bad, indifferent?

And good, bad, indifferent for who?
Did you realize that in some places, rape is not a crime?
Did you realize that in some cultures, a rape victim becomes an outcast?
Did you realize that in the name of Diversity!, savage heathens from benighted areas that hold to these beliefs are being imported, at taxpayer expense by the way, into these United States? (and Canada, and Britain, and elsewhere too).
What is your reaction to an 8-year-old girl gang-raped in her neighborhood, and now an outcast to her family?
Here's the story.
Why are these heathens allowed in the country? Why were they not deported, yesterday??

Celebrate Diversity!!????

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Is Pravda More Honest Than the NY Times?

Is Pravda more honest than the Grey Lady? and I use the term ''lady'' reluctantly, regarding the ''Newspaper of Record'' as little more than a whorehouse.

But Pravda has had a more accurate take on Obamarama, and his co-thieves, than the Slimes has, or the rest of the American LameStreamMedia together. Take, as in this case, the use of the term ''czar'', a position and practice that is, politely, 'extra-constitutional'. Meaning the thing hated by those of us who believe in the rule of law, power without accountability. The Russki's had centuries to observe that, from beneath mostly. We are just starting to experience it.

Read up on it here. You won't like it, but read it anyway.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Something Our Rulers Fear to Contemplate

You won't hear this on ABC, and the major political parties hate and fear these words.

"When the representative body have lost the confidence of their constituents, when they have notoriously made sale of their most valuable rights, when they have assumed to themselves powers which the people never put into their hands, then, indeed, their continuing in office becomes dangerous to the State, and calls for an exercise of the power of dissolution."
--Thomas Jefferson, 1774.

Perhaps the ''elite'' SHOULD fear them. And us.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Miserable Failure

So, how's all that Hope and Change working out for every one? Been a lot of change, absolutely. Our country now kisses up to Socialist dicators, our president bows the knee to Islamo-swine of the House of Saud, trashes those sticking up for the rule of law in Honduras, turns a blind eye to the swine shooting the citizens of Iran, trashes the bankruptcy laws in the US, and generally acts much like Ernst Rohm's bronshirts.

Quite a series of ''accomplishments''. If wrecking the nation was your objective, of course.

Perhaps it is.

John Hinderaker of Power Line has put up a graphic that lets us take a good look at the Kenyan's successes to date. Take good look. By the standards established by Zero's people, the employment situation is worse, MUCH worse, than had nothing been done. Take a look here.

''Hope and Change''.