Tuesday, April 21, 2009

New Entry on Bloglist

Good site. Fire Janet Napolitano' is an effort worth supporting.

Where DOES Obamarama get these awful people anyway? From under rocks or swimming around in cesspools? Or what?

Friday, April 10, 2009

Kakistocracy in the Media

kudos to Doug Ross over at his DirectorBlue blog for a GREAT story that seems to show widespread collusion, at least an echo chamber, within the so-called Main Stream Media (a.k.a. the MSM) with an account of some 200 nearly identical news headlines. That includes both print media and a variety of TV outlets.
One might suspect collusion between these flaks for the Democrat Party, MoveOn, ACORN, SEIU, Families USA, and the Progressive States Network, and other known malefactors. And one might be right.

And the downward spiral continues.

Honorable Mention of the Day --- The Pie Fascists of Pennsylvania

Hard to imagine that this is the same nation that dumped British Tea in a harbor, opposed the Stamp Act, stormed the beaches of Normandy, won at Iwo Jima, made the Inchon landings, landed on the moon, and made high sounding speeches on freedom and dignity.
Reduced to petty bureaucrats forbidding the selling of home-baked pies at a church.

Read it. And weep for the freedoms we once had.

Today's Entry -- Long Distance Pizza for Obamarama

There are the rulers. And there are the ruled. The serfs, the subjects, the ''little people''. Hint: that's us.
You like pizza? I do, though Dear Wife likes that the thin, crunchy crust and I don't. Her Sicilian background, I guess. Whatever. But we're not exactly the high-dollar types, and when we get pizza we either make it here, get a fresh one from Wally World, or get some sort of frozen one from wherever. That's what the wallet will bear and we're probably not all that unusual.
But then there are the rulers. The ones who tell the rest of us how to live and who blabber on regarding ''carbon footprint'' (what a crock of crap that is!) and all the rest of it. And then act otherwise. I guess when you have committed wholesale fraud on the nation, one more little action doesn't matter, does it. So, when Barrack Obama, a.k.a. Barry Soetoro, decides he wants pizza, he doesn't call Dominoes or the like, and definitely doesn't have the White House chef (isn't that a racist phrase?) bake up a Wally World one. No, he has a '' pizza chef'' flown in from St. Louis to make one. Or several pizzas; I guess he gets a volume discount, being President and all.
Read about it here.
I guess he was right. There really are two Americas.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Another Assault, this Time Against the Internet, Usual Kakistocrats

Lousy that stories like this have to come out of Canada. Guess that the inbred liberal fascists at the ABC-CBS-NBC-CNN-MSNBC-NY Times-Washington Post-CSM-McClatchy-Gannett can't be bothered or are not particularly interested.
Headline pretty well says it: ''BIG Brother” OBAMA Coming After The INTERNET!
Think I'm just scare-mongering? You can read the working draft of the bills here.
And some of the commentary here.
One distinguishing characteristic of a totalitarian state is, well, they really do intend to be TOTALLY in charge. Part of what the term means, actually. And to make that work, there has to be a state monopoly, or at least utter control, of the communications. Divide and rule, subdivide and rule more completely, fragment and rule absolutely. Don't let the subjects know that they aren't alone. Let them believe the only person with dangerous heretical ideas is them, make them keep their heads down. Classify other ideas as ''hate speech'' or the like.
Obama and his like are part of a long tradition going back as far as human history.

Honorable Mention from the UK

Well, you can't do much better than this for an example of idiocy. Fishermen thrown into a hard-core prison for the ''crime'' of fishing without the blessing of the unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats of the EU.
Lest you think that that the idiocies of the EU are a far-off mess, and let those folks stew in their own juices, think again. The EU is one of those wished-for models of Transnational Progressivism that is so beloved by some of our own home-grown fascisti. More to the point, it is the model for the North American Union that our ''progressives'', the Bilderberger types love so much.
One-World-Government gets closer all the time. And so, inevitably, there will be some casualties as we serfs are taught to tug on our forelocks as our ''betters'' tell us how to live.

Today's Entry 5 April obersturmbanfuhrer Geithner updated the 6th

Go read the Constitution again. Should be no trouble locating a copy, there does not seem to be a great deal of interest in it. Certainly not in Washington. Certainly not among those near the White House.
Odd, I thought the US was a nation ruled by law and with the government highly restricted as to scope and power, with accountability and little things like 'checks and balances'. An obsolete concept, evidently.
Comes now one Tim Geithner. I do not recall being asked to vote for him. Do you? Probably not. But he has now, in as naked a seizure of power as we've seen in a while, perhaps since the Beer Hall Putsch (look it up), arrogated upon himself the authority to remove banking officials who have somehow offended his tender sensibilities.
Read about it here. Or here.
A shame, this was such a nice country once. Less so, daily.

OOOps! Forgot this one