Sunday, April 5, 2009

Another Assault, this Time Against the Internet, Usual Kakistocrats

Lousy that stories like this have to come out of Canada. Guess that the inbred liberal fascists at the ABC-CBS-NBC-CNN-MSNBC-NY Times-Washington Post-CSM-McClatchy-Gannett can't be bothered or are not particularly interested.
Headline pretty well says it: ''BIG Brother” OBAMA Coming After The INTERNET!
Think I'm just scare-mongering? You can read the working draft of the bills here.
And some of the commentary here.
One distinguishing characteristic of a totalitarian state is, well, they really do intend to be TOTALLY in charge. Part of what the term means, actually. And to make that work, there has to be a state monopoly, or at least utter control, of the communications. Divide and rule, subdivide and rule more completely, fragment and rule absolutely. Don't let the subjects know that they aren't alone. Let them believe the only person with dangerous heretical ideas is them, make them keep their heads down. Classify other ideas as ''hate speech'' or the like.
Obama and his like are part of a long tradition going back as far as human history.

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