Friday, June 26, 2009

As the in the days of Noah ...

Been a while since this site got updated. Not for lack of material, that much is certain. Can you believe some of the nonsense going around? Amazing. And that is not said in an approving way either.

Here's an example, on of the grosser ones.
Recall how the Lamestream Media has been beating the drum for recognition of homosexual ''marriage'', with all the rights and privleges thereunto pertaining, including such things as adoption? Sure you have. We've been solemnly assure by all of the ''right'' people that opposition to such is evidence of a 'hate crime', or ''homophobia'' or such other nonsenscial concatenation of sounds. Opponents or even doubters of these measures are shouted down by the self-proclaimed 'tolerant''.
And then we see the fruits of the efforts, and it's not a pretty picture, as the doubters had predicted. Here's an example. An employee of Duke University just got busted for trying to pimp off his 5-year-old adopted son over the Internet. Claims he'd already molested the child.
Yes, he's a homosexual activist (I loathe and despise the advertising term ''gay'', it's a lie). Yes he has a ''partner''. And he has been on staff at Duke since 1999. Aren't you proud?
Read about it here, to start.

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