Sunday, May 23, 2010

Various Outrages for the Day

I haven't really been keeping up on this as well as intended. Not for lack of material, certainly.

Let's see. Under the heading of "family values don't stop at the Rio Grande", we have the story of a person arrested for rape. After having been deported NINE TIMES. I think it is fair to say that this guy has no intention whatsoever of obeying the law or of respecting the territory of the United States. Being deported at all is an accomplishment these days, given the aroma of criminal nonfeasance in office that seems to pervade. Being deported that often is remarkable. As I said, obviously he didn't learn the first 9 times, I doubt that he will learn ever. Hang him. Rape is one of those crimes that, historically, earned the death penalty anyway. Hang him. And there is room on the gibbet for his apologists and enablers.

Then, under the heading of manifestly criminal non-feasance in office, we have the announcement that those persons at the federal level whose sworn duty is to apprehend and remove illegal aliens may refuse to process those illegals apprehended in Arizona. Read it here.

It is a bit funny to have it revealed that most of the high and mighty who have been criticizing the Arizona law have never bothered to read it. Or who have ignored the fact that it essentially is a duplicate of the federal law. Or that it is largely matched by a long-standing law in California. It is just that enforcement has been ignored, by all political parties. A funny take on the matter is up on YouTube, but you can also find it here.

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