Friday, July 9, 2010

Scraping Bottom?

I'm not sure whether this one comes in under the "who will watch the watchers?", or the "jobs Americans will not do", or what heading.
Know much about jails? Other than the fact that the 'residents' are generally not-nice people? Perhaps you hope that those who are in charge are of a better grade than those who are incarcerated. The record shows that while that may often be true, and I've known some good people, there are some who are standing on the wrong side of the bars, and I've known a few of them as well. (Happens if you live a while).
The record shows also that on those occasions where the security of the system is compromised, it is often with the connivance -- or the incompetence -- of those entrusted with running the system. It happens, and it happens often enough that GENERALLY those at the top, those especially responsible for the integrity of the system, exercise great care in the choice, training, and oversight of their underlings.
It's embarrassing when that falls through.
Probably you wonder where this is leading.
Would it surprise you to find that an employee at a large jail was an illegal alien? Or that she had worked there for nine years? And not merely an employee like a porter in the kitchen, but someone having contact with inmates? Me too. Happened in Dallas County, Texas. One Maria Elvia Ross, age 34. You can read about it here in the Dallas Morning News.
So we not only are so short of criminals that we must import some, but then we must import their keepers as well???
Are there no Americans willing to work as a turn-key?

Oh, and don't blame Obama for this one. She's been on the job since 2001. W was setting the tone at the time.

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