Some days, I have to go over to Jerry Pournelle's site to be reminded that Despair is a sin. That inoculation works, for a while. Then I go out onto the 'Net and see
2009: A year of new lows by Frank Miele. Frank is a national treasure, though not so widely known as he should be. And he has hit quite squarely upon the matter.
Flight 253 terrorist Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab led life of luxury in London before attempted attack a report out of the NY Daily News. that would seem to refute the idiot notion that terrorists are driven by poverty and despair. An idiot notion, pretty much a lie in reality, that was once pronounced by Buraq Hussein Ubama. Odd, is it not, that the LameStream Media almost always overlook the Muslim connection in these deeds of evil?
Perhaps this will make you giggle, briefly. "Don't Say We're Violent, Or We'll Kill You" from John Hinderaker. An article worth reading, and backed up by the listing, 9-1/2 pages of single-spaced listings of MUSLIM terror attacks in just the last two months. Go look. 'Great Religion of Peace' my rump. A cult of demons, in fact. "Allah" is the name of a demon, just like Beelzebub, Asmodeus, and so forth. Islam is as much a false and evil religion as the cults of Dagon, Ba'al, and Asherah ever were, and in fact have some points of continuity. Hinderaker's story owes much to this one as well, also recommended: Headless Death Threat Sent to Leading Counter Jihad Website Just more of those fun-loving jihadists.
Changing gears a bit, how about a small issue of a state government FORCING owners of small independent businesses to 'join' (meaning pay tribute to) a union? Sound un-American? It is. Sound like something the Fascists, the Nazi's, or the Communists (and they are all pretty similar, actually) might do? Right again! Sound like, oh, Michigan? Ding ding ding! You win! Or lose. Whichever. Here it is: Michigan Forces Business Owners Into Public Sector Unions If you think that this was done with the active connivance of the organized crime mob of SEIU, a group with some very interesting ties to Ubama, you'd qualify for a bonus prize.
And some similar idiocy is going on at the national level as well. Hows that Hoax and Chains working out for you? Try this on. Obama union push stymies contractors
And if you want to see where this is all leading, go here and click on the video shown here. It's not for the squeamish, true, but it is worth seeing.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Friday, December 25, 2009
Friday, November 27, 2009
Conflict of Interest Carol Browner, czar
Odd, a fairly close reading of the U.S. Constitution reveals no provision for the office of ''czar''. I guess it is possible that I missed it, but it is more likely that such a thing was never imagined by the founders, nor by most Americans then or since.
Yet we seem to have acquired a number of them. The experience to date confirms my belief that this is the wrong way to go.
Case in point, one Carol Browner. You may have heard the name. Ubama stuck her into one of these 'czar' jobs, one long on power and short on accountability and ability to pass Constitutional muster. And, apparently, no more possessed of any ethical considerations, putting her in good company in that band of thieves.
Here's a story worth reading.
This is progress?
Yet we seem to have acquired a number of them. The experience to date confirms my belief that this is the wrong way to go.
Case in point, one Carol Browner. You may have heard the name. Ubama stuck her into one of these 'czar' jobs, one long on power and short on accountability and ability to pass Constitutional muster. And, apparently, no more possessed of any ethical considerations, putting her in good company in that band of thieves.
Here's a story worth reading.
This is progress?
today's winner
Should We Call It 'ClimateGate'' or ''ClimateQuiddick'?
This is really getting interesting. And now we are starting to see more and more clearly the links, the connect-the-dots connections between the AGW Fraudsters and their co-conspirators in the LameStreamMedia. And, now, the connections into the Whte House.
Check this one out. While doing so, think about why this is not being put front page above the fold in the major newspapers in the U.S. The TV networks you already know about - the connections between Immelt at GE, GE to NBC and its cousins, and the so-called 'Green Energy' crap that GE hopes to have us required to buy from them. Made possible by Ubama's cronies. It's an ugly story, and we're not to the bottom of the manure pile yet.
Check this one out. While doing so, think about why this is not being put front page above the fold in the major newspapers in the U.S. The TV networks you already know about - the connections between Immelt at GE, GE to NBC and its cousins, and the so-called 'Green Energy' crap that GE hopes to have us required to buy from them. Made possible by Ubama's cronies. It's an ugly story, and we're not to the bottom of the manure pile yet.
Canada Free Press,
today's winner
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Viewing the headlines
Been a week of really amazing revelations of the corruption and deceit among those who feel empowered and worthy to rule over us. And that certainly seems to be their intent.
Let us see.
A revelation with respect to an (illegally) fired Inspector General, whose ''offense'' was discovering and preparing to reveal corruption among the rising stars in the Democrat Party who were/are Friends of Obama. Read it here.
Or perhaps, the revelation of MASSIVE fraud within the ranks of the purveyors of the Great Global Warming Scams. See here. And here. And here. Or here. Here. Here also.
And, always recommended, see here.
Let us see.
A revelation with respect to an (illegally) fired Inspector General, whose ''offense'' was discovering and preparing to reveal corruption among the rising stars in the Democrat Party who were/are Friends of Obama. Read it here.
Or perhaps, the revelation of MASSIVE fraud within the ranks of the purveyors of the Great Global Warming Scams. See here. And here. And here. Or here. Here. Here also.
And, always recommended, see here.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Headline of the Day --- 'Death Panels' redux
comes now a story out of the U.K., you know, the place with that 'wonderful' National Health Service that Ubama and Pelousy want to foist off on America. Can't do much better than the title, but go read it.
Elderly and disabled could be 'forced to commit suicide' under changes to rules
Of course, it could never happen here, right?Sunday, October 18, 2009
Today's Winners in the Fraud of Climate Change
Cool outside this morning, even here in the Deep South. Those who live in more northerly climes have probably already seen snow, and one hears that in many cases it is the earliest snow on record, ever, or setting new records for low temperatures. Must be more of that mythical 'Global Warming' nonsense. At this rate, there will be a kilometer-thick glacier sitting atop Detroit, and we will still have Al Gore and his co-liars out beating the drum for 'carbon offsets' and 'Global Warming causing polar bears to drown' or some such. The technical term for this sort of things is ''LIES''. Here is a nice site to check on. Here is another. And another here.
Add to those
At what point are we permitted to either do the tar 'n feathers thing, or put these Global Warming frauds into the nuthouse of your choice?
Add to those
At what point are we permitted to either do the tar 'n feathers thing, or put these Global Warming frauds into the nuthouse of your choice?
Saturday, October 17, 2009
ACORN and the CRA Shakedown
It is a shame and a tragedy that some of the best and most incisive reporting on the corruptocrats in the United States is coming from outside the U.S., often from Canada. I recommend the Canada Free Press highly.
And, from that esteemed source, comes yet another example of the corruption and destruction of this once free and prosperous nation at the behest of the corrupt bums in the nation's capital.
Great titles, here.
There are those who believe that Georg Soros may be the AntiChrist. I doubt that, though he's certainly evil enough. But there are some other 'good' candidates for that nomination. Peter Lewis (Progressive Insurance) is one, Maurice Strong is another.
At any rate, these articles deserve your attention.
And, from that esteemed source, comes yet another example of the corruption and destruction of this once free and prosperous nation at the behest of the corrupt bums in the nation's capital.
Great titles, here.
ACORN’s Blackmailing of Banks
orThe new world devised by Maurice Strong and George Soros
as two examples.There are those who believe that Georg Soros may be the AntiChrist. I doubt that, though he's certainly evil enough. But there are some other 'good' candidates for that nomination. Peter Lewis (Progressive Insurance) is one, Maurice Strong is another.
At any rate, these articles deserve your attention.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
The New Tyrants
One old, and very good, definition of a tyranny is ''a state wherein everything is either mandatory or forbidden.'' It works pretty well.
One symptom of the trend towards such is that things are suddenly criminalized, and heavily so, that were never so considered before. And vigorously enforced too, by those we once called 'public servants' but who are now called ''public officials''. And act accordingly.
Here is an article with some pretty good examples. Who would have expected jack-booted Stasi types to be the U.S. Fish and Wildlife 'Service'? Not me, I always imagine the game wardens who were pretty good guys. That was then, and this is now.
Read it and weep.
One symptom of the trend towards such is that things are suddenly criminalized, and heavily so, that were never so considered before. And vigorously enforced too, by those we once called 'public servants' but who are now called ''public officials''. And act accordingly.
Here is an article with some pretty good examples. Who would have expected jack-booted Stasi types to be the U.S. Fish and Wildlife 'Service'? Not me, I always imagine the game wardens who were pretty good guys. That was then, and this is now.
Read it and weep.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Illegal Aliens
Seen on the Internet and worth publicizing. This is a problem CREATED by the ruling groups in BOTH major political parties, who refused their sworn duties to uphold and enforce the law. Yes, this includes you, George W. Bush.
* 95% of warrants for murder in Los Angeles are for illegal aliens.
* 75% of those on the most wanted list in Los Angeles are illegal aliens.
* 24.9% of all inmates in California detention centers are Mexican nationals here illegally.
* 53% plus of all investigated burglaries reported in California, New Mexico, Nevada, Arizona and Texas are perpetrated by illegal aliens.
* 71% plus of all apprehended cars stolen in 2005 in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada and California were stolen by Illegal aliens or “transport coyotes”.
* 47% of cited/stopped drivers in California have no license, no insurance and no registration for the vehicle. Of that 47%, 92% are illegal aliens.
* 66% plus of all births in California are to illegal alien Mexicans on Medi-Cal whose births were paid for by taxpayers
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Today's Evidence
Every so often we look around and think to ourselves, ''Just how in Tophet did we get into THIS mess?'' It's not terribly difficult to cause such a reaction, the latest economic reports, or the latest blatherings out of the White House, or Congress, or MSNBC, or the NY Slimes, or some other idiocy, will do just fine.
How did things get into this fix, after such a great beginning to the nation?
Some of this you can see if you look back at the path taken, compare it to what we were supposed to be going, and look for some veerings along the way.
Here's a book that does a great service along those lines. Living Constitution, Dying Faith: Progressivism and the New Science of Jurisprudence (American Ideals & Institutions) by Bradley Watson, available here.
And here is a better appreciation of the matter than I can give.
How did things get into this fix, after such a great beginning to the nation?
Some of this you can see if you look back at the path taken, compare it to what we were supposed to be going, and look for some veerings along the way.
Here's a book that does a great service along those lines. Living Constitution, Dying Faith: Progressivism and the New Science of Jurisprudence (American Ideals & Institutions) by Bradley Watson, available here.
And here is a better appreciation of the matter than I can give.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
So Protesters Are 'Brown Shirts'? Really?
This is almost funny. Our socialist would-be masters referring to those of us who want our country back as ''almost brown shirts''. Forgetting, as is convenient, that the Brownshirts, the Sturmabteilung of the developing Nazi movement, were, like all the members of that movement, Socialists. That's what the title said, ''National SOCIALIST German Workers Party''. Socialist. Leftist. Not Marxist, true, but hardly conservative, or right-wing, or the like. Socialist. Like the leadership of today's Democrat Party in the USA. Like, in fact, Obama, Pelosi, Reed, and all the rest of that smelly assemblage.
And, sometimes, the peasants (that's us, by the way) stand up.
Here's a good example.
Don't forget to play the video. Worth the price of admission.
And, sometimes, the peasants (that's us, by the way) stand up.
Here's a good example.
Don't forget to play the video. Worth the price of admission.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Too Funny!

How about titling it ''Dope and Chains''? Or is that an invite to a Ted Kennedy party?
Credit for the story goes to NewsBusters at this site
We don't know, yet, who gets credited with the artwork.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Obama's Dr. Mengele Approach with UPDATE
Any one who somehow believes that the notion of killing off those that the Elites deem to be worthless died with the National Socialist German Workers Party need to guess again.
Have a look here. The term ''useless gobbler'' was, incidentally, a term used by the leaders of that very same Socialist (though not Marxist) group. Sounds like Dr. Mengele et al are being 'rehabilitated' in absentia. Aren't you proud of ''Progressivism''??
This is worth watching. It won't make you comfortable. But it will give you some needed background on the Useless Eaters term. Is it not interesting how often 'Progressivism' reveals itself as another term for mass murder? Jonah Goldberg was quite correct in his use of the term 'Liberal Fascism'.
Have a look here. The term ''useless gobbler'' was, incidentally, a term used by the leaders of that very same Socialist (though not Marxist) group. Sounds like Dr. Mengele et al are being 'rehabilitated' in absentia. Aren't you proud of ''Progressivism''??
This is worth watching. It won't make you comfortable. But it will give you some needed background on the Useless Eaters term. Is it not interesting how often 'Progressivism' reveals itself as another term for mass murder? Jonah Goldberg was quite correct in his use of the term 'Liberal Fascism'.
liberal fascists,
today's winner
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Cutural Equivalence and Diversity --- Lies, All
Does anyone else get weary beyond belief at these 'Diversity Pimps' that seem to clutter up the landscape wherever you go? The ones who preach a message that they call 'tolerance', or actually,
Here are some examples of why.
The Norks.
Do you like children? Not everyone does; but most of us, and by that I mean those of us fortunate enough to grow up and live in the parts of the world once known as Christendom, and now simply called Western Civilization, recognize the human worth of children and the moral obligations that we individually have for them. You may recall some Biblical injunctions on the subject.
Not every one agrees, and not every nation and culture goes along with that.
What do you think of the practice of using children, primarily ill and disabled children, as test subjects in chemical and biological warfare experiments? It's being done, in the Marxist Socialist People's Paradise of North Korea.
Read up on it here.]
and remember
What's your opinion on forcible rape?
Good, bad, indifferent?
On children?
Good, bad, indifferent?
And good, bad, indifferent for who?
Did you realize that in some places, rape is not a crime?
Did you realize that in some cultures, a rape victim becomes an outcast?
Did you realize that in the name of Diversity!, savage heathens from benighted areas that hold to these beliefs are being imported, at taxpayer expense by the way, into these United States? (and Canada, and Britain, and elsewhere too).
What is your reaction to an 8-year-old girl gang-raped in her neighborhood, and now an outcast to her family?
Here's the story.
Why are these heathens allowed in the country? Why were they not deported, yesterday??
meaning that- all belief systems are equally true
- all cultures are equally valid
- all beliefs and opinions are equally worthy
- if you don't agree with the above, in which case you are a dangerous heretic, an Enemy of the People, and must be liquidated or 're-educated', in no particular order
Here are some examples of why.
The Norks.
Do you like children? Not everyone does; but most of us, and by that I mean those of us fortunate enough to grow up and live in the parts of the world once known as Christendom, and now simply called Western Civilization, recognize the human worth of children and the moral obligations that we individually have for them. You may recall some Biblical injunctions on the subject.
Not every one agrees, and not every nation and culture goes along with that.
What do you think of the practice of using children, primarily ill and disabled children, as test subjects in chemical and biological warfare experiments? It's being done, in the Marxist Socialist People's Paradise of North Korea.
Read up on it here.]
and remember
Celebrate Diversity!
What's your opinion on forcible rape?
Good, bad, indifferent?
On children?
Good, bad, indifferent?
And good, bad, indifferent for who?
Did you realize that in some places, rape is not a crime?
Did you realize that in some cultures, a rape victim becomes an outcast?
Did you realize that in the name of Diversity!, savage heathens from benighted areas that hold to these beliefs are being imported, at taxpayer expense by the way, into these United States? (and Canada, and Britain, and elsewhere too).
What is your reaction to an 8-year-old girl gang-raped in her neighborhood, and now an outcast to her family?
Here's the story.
Why are these heathens allowed in the country? Why were they not deported, yesterday??
Celebrate Diversity!!????
diversity nonsense,
today's winner
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Is Pravda More Honest Than the NY Times?
Is Pravda more honest than the Grey Lady? and I use the term ''lady'' reluctantly, regarding the ''Newspaper of Record'' as little more than a whorehouse.
But Pravda has had a more accurate take on Obamarama, and his co-thieves, than the Slimes has, or the rest of the American LameStreamMedia together. Take, as in this case, the use of the term ''czar'', a position and practice that is, politely, 'extra-constitutional'. Meaning the thing hated by those of us who believe in the rule of law, power without accountability. The Russki's had centuries to observe that, from beneath mostly. We are just starting to experience it.
Read up on it here. You won't like it, but read it anyway.
But Pravda has had a more accurate take on Obamarama, and his co-thieves, than the Slimes has, or the rest of the American LameStreamMedia together. Take, as in this case, the use of the term ''czar'', a position and practice that is, politely, 'extra-constitutional'. Meaning the thing hated by those of us who believe in the rule of law, power without accountability. The Russki's had centuries to observe that, from beneath mostly. We are just starting to experience it.
Read up on it here. You won't like it, but read it anyway.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Something Our Rulers Fear to Contemplate
You won't hear this on ABC, and the major political parties hate and fear these words.
Perhaps the ''elite'' SHOULD fear them. And us.
"When the representative body have lost the confidence of their constituents, when they have notoriously made sale of their most valuable rights, when they have assumed to themselves powers which the people never put into their hands, then, indeed, their continuing in office becomes dangerous to the State, and calls for an exercise of the power of dissolution."--Thomas Jefferson, 1774.
Perhaps the ''elite'' SHOULD fear them. And us.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Miserable Failure
So, how's all that Hope and Change working out for every one? Been a lot of change, absolutely. Our country now kisses up to Socialist dicators, our president bows the knee to Islamo-swine of the House of Saud, trashes those sticking up for the rule of law in Honduras, turns a blind eye to the swine shooting the citizens of Iran, trashes the bankruptcy laws in the US, and generally acts much like Ernst Rohm's bronshirts.
Quite a series of ''accomplishments''. If wrecking the nation was your objective, of course.
Perhaps it is.
John Hinderaker of Power Line has put up a graphic that lets us take a good look at the Kenyan's successes to date. Take good look. By the standards established by Zero's people, the employment situation is worse, MUCH worse, than had nothing been done. Take a look here.
''Hope and Change''.
Quite a series of ''accomplishments''. If wrecking the nation was your objective, of course.
Perhaps it is.
John Hinderaker of Power Line has put up a graphic that lets us take a good look at the Kenyan's successes to date. Take good look. By the standards established by Zero's people, the employment situation is worse, MUCH worse, than had nothing been done. Take a look here.
''Hope and Change''.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Idiocy in the Schools, As Usual
Just when you think the educrats can not get any more ridiculous, comes this.
So much of 'In Search of Excellence'', This is becoming a real Alice in Wonderland world.
So much of 'In Search of Excellence'', This is becoming a real Alice in Wonderland world.
Friday, June 26, 2009
As the in the days of Noah ...
Been a while since this site got updated. Not for lack of material, that much is certain. Can you believe some of the nonsense going around? Amazing. And that is not said in an approving way either.
Here's an example, on of the grosser ones.
Recall how the Lamestream Media has been beating the drum for recognition of homosexual ''marriage'', with all the rights and privleges thereunto pertaining, including such things as adoption? Sure you have. We've been solemnly assure by all of the ''right'' people that opposition to such is evidence of a 'hate crime', or ''homophobia'' or such other nonsenscial concatenation of sounds. Opponents or even doubters of these measures are shouted down by the self-proclaimed 'tolerant''.
And then we see the fruits of the efforts, and it's not a pretty picture, as the doubters had predicted. Here's an example. An employee of Duke University just got busted for trying to pimp off his 5-year-old adopted son over the Internet. Claims he'd already molested the child.
Yes, he's a homosexual activist (I loathe and despise the advertising term ''gay'', it's a lie). Yes he has a ''partner''. And he has been on staff at Duke since 1999. Aren't you proud?
Read about it here, to start.
Here's an example, on of the grosser ones.
Recall how the Lamestream Media has been beating the drum for recognition of homosexual ''marriage'', with all the rights and privleges thereunto pertaining, including such things as adoption? Sure you have. We've been solemnly assure by all of the ''right'' people that opposition to such is evidence of a 'hate crime', or ''homophobia'' or such other nonsenscial concatenation of sounds. Opponents or even doubters of these measures are shouted down by the self-proclaimed 'tolerant''.
And then we see the fruits of the efforts, and it's not a pretty picture, as the doubters had predicted. Here's an example. An employee of Duke University just got busted for trying to pimp off his 5-year-old adopted son over the Internet. Claims he'd already molested the child.
Yes, he's a homosexual activist (I loathe and despise the advertising term ''gay'', it's a lie). Yes he has a ''partner''. And he has been on staff at Duke since 1999. Aren't you proud?
Read about it here, to start.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Globaloney Warming Update for 31 May
Sorry for the break in posting -- things have been a bit weird here and, besides, we have an oversupply of material. I know we expected for Obamarama to preside over a ''Mongolian Cluster Fest''', but he's proven himself to be even more of a brickbrained fascist than anyone might have foreseen. What a clown!
But to return to the point at hand: we've been inundated for several years now with VASTLY overblown 'sky is falling'' screeches of Global Warming. It's not true, and it's not funny. But,sometimes, it is. Funny, I mean.
Try this headline:
Read that again. A frost warning. For the early morning hours of June 1, 2009. For the Continental United States, upstate New York in fact. Does anyone else see the humor in this?
But to return to the point at hand: we've been inundated for several years now with VASTLY overblown 'sky is falling'' screeches of Global Warming. It's not true, and it's not funny. But,sometimes, it is. Funny, I mean.
Try this headline:
Read that again. A frost warning. For the early morning hours of June 1, 2009. For the Continental United States, upstate New York in fact. Does anyone else see the humor in this?
Friday, May 15, 2009
This Week's Buffoons and Liberal Fascisti
A headline roundup to start
in like vein
Stocks drop as FDIC chief hints government may start firing CEOs
I guess Obamaram and his co-thieves have ''discovered'' some hitherto invisible grants of power in the Constitution. Comparing them to the Sturmabteilung of the National Socialist German Workers Party is probably excessive, right?
WSJ: Gov't pressuring Bank of America board change
in like vein
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Your Tax Dollars At Work
There is an interesting web site known as the Onion. Worth checking out just for the spoofs, the 'not quite true but interesting'' things. Recommended.
But then there are the stories that you wish had come from the Onion. Only, they didn't, they really are true. Here's one.
Whatever your attitude towards a lot of what government at all levels is meddling in, we generally like to imagine that there are adults involved, somewhere in the process and that there are limits to the silliness. Sadly, that's not always so.
Case in point,
how do you respond to a story with the headline of
I don't know that one must be a limited government fanatic to wonde why US citizens are paying for the training of Chinese whores. Any ideas?
But then there are the stories that you wish had come from the Onion. Only, they didn't, they really are true. Here's one.
Whatever your attitude towards a lot of what government at all levels is meddling in, we generally like to imagine that there are adults involved, somewhere in the process and that there are limits to the silliness. Sadly, that's not always so.
Case in point,
how do you respond to a story with the headline of
I don't know that one must be a limited government fanatic to wonde why US citizens are paying for the training of Chinese whores. Any ideas?
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
New Entry on Bloglist
Good site. Fire Janet Napolitano' is an effort worth supporting.
Where DOES Obamarama get these awful people anyway? From under rocks or swimming around in cesspools? Or what?
Where DOES Obamarama get these awful people anyway? From under rocks or swimming around in cesspools? Or what?
Friday, April 10, 2009
Kakistocracy in the Media
kudos to Doug Ross over at his DirectorBlue blog for a GREAT story that seems to show widespread collusion, at least an echo chamber, within the so-called Main Stream Media (a.k.a. the MSM) with an account of some 200 nearly identical news headlines. That includes both print media and a variety of TV outlets.
One might suspect collusion between these flaks for the Democrat Party, MoveOn, ACORN, SEIU, Families USA, and the Progressive States Network, and other known malefactors. And one might be right.
And the downward spiral continues.
One might suspect collusion between these flaks for the Democrat Party, MoveOn, ACORN, SEIU, Families USA, and the Progressive States Network, and other known malefactors. And one might be right.
And the downward spiral continues.
Honorable Mention of the Day --- The Pie Fascists of Pennsylvania
Hard to imagine that this is the same nation that dumped British Tea in a harbor, opposed the Stamp Act, stormed the beaches of Normandy, won at Iwo Jima, made the Inchon landings, landed on the moon, and made high sounding speeches on freedom and dignity.
Reduced to petty bureaucrats forbidding the selling of home-baked pies at a church.
Read it. And weep for the freedoms we once had.
Reduced to petty bureaucrats forbidding the selling of home-baked pies at a church.
Read it. And weep for the freedoms we once had.
Today's Entry -- Long Distance Pizza for Obamarama
There are the rulers. And there are the ruled. The serfs, the subjects, the ''little people''. Hint: that's us.
You like pizza? I do, though Dear Wife likes that the thin, crunchy crust and I don't. Her Sicilian background, I guess. Whatever. But we're not exactly the high-dollar types, and when we get pizza we either make it here, get a fresh one from Wally World, or get some sort of frozen one from wherever. That's what the wallet will bear and we're probably not all that unusual.
But then there are the rulers. The ones who tell the rest of us how to live and who blabber on regarding ''carbon footprint'' (what a crock of crap that is!) and all the rest of it. And then act otherwise. I guess when you have committed wholesale fraud on the nation, one more little action doesn't matter, does it. So, when Barrack Obama, a.k.a. Barry Soetoro, decides he wants pizza, he doesn't call Dominoes or the like, and definitely doesn't have the White House chef (isn't that a racist phrase?) bake up a Wally World one. No, he has a '' pizza chef'' flown in from St. Louis to make one. Or several pizzas; I guess he gets a volume discount, being President and all.
Read about it here.
I guess he was right. There really are two Americas.
You like pizza? I do, though Dear Wife likes that the thin, crunchy crust and I don't. Her Sicilian background, I guess. Whatever. But we're not exactly the high-dollar types, and when we get pizza we either make it here, get a fresh one from Wally World, or get some sort of frozen one from wherever. That's what the wallet will bear and we're probably not all that unusual.
But then there are the rulers. The ones who tell the rest of us how to live and who blabber on regarding ''carbon footprint'' (what a crock of crap that is!) and all the rest of it. And then act otherwise. I guess when you have committed wholesale fraud on the nation, one more little action doesn't matter, does it. So, when Barrack Obama, a.k.a. Barry Soetoro, decides he wants pizza, he doesn't call Dominoes or the like, and definitely doesn't have the White House chef (isn't that a racist phrase?) bake up a Wally World one. No, he has a '' pizza chef'' flown in from St. Louis to make one. Or several pizzas; I guess he gets a volume discount, being President and all.
Read about it here.
I guess he was right. There really are two Americas.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Another Assault, this Time Against the Internet, Usual Kakistocrats
Lousy that stories like this have to come out of Canada. Guess that the inbred liberal fascists at the ABC-CBS-NBC-CNN-MSNBC-NY Times-Washington Post-CSM-McClatchy-Gannett can't be bothered or are not particularly interested.
Headline pretty well says it: ''BIG Brother” OBAMA Coming After The INTERNET!
Think I'm just scare-mongering? You can read the working draft of the bills here.
And some of the commentary here.
One distinguishing characteristic of a totalitarian state is, well, they really do intend to be TOTALLY in charge. Part of what the term means, actually. And to make that work, there has to be a state monopoly, or at least utter control, of the communications. Divide and rule, subdivide and rule more completely, fragment and rule absolutely. Don't let the subjects know that they aren't alone. Let them believe the only person with dangerous heretical ideas is them, make them keep their heads down. Classify other ideas as ''hate speech'' or the like.
Obama and his like are part of a long tradition going back as far as human history.
Headline pretty well says it: ''BIG Brother” OBAMA Coming After The INTERNET!
Think I'm just scare-mongering? You can read the working draft of the bills here.
And some of the commentary here.
One distinguishing characteristic of a totalitarian state is, well, they really do intend to be TOTALLY in charge. Part of what the term means, actually. And to make that work, there has to be a state monopoly, or at least utter control, of the communications. Divide and rule, subdivide and rule more completely, fragment and rule absolutely. Don't let the subjects know that they aren't alone. Let them believe the only person with dangerous heretical ideas is them, make them keep their heads down. Classify other ideas as ''hate speech'' or the like.
Obama and his like are part of a long tradition going back as far as human history.
Honorable Mention from the UK
Well, you can't do much better than this for an example of idiocy. Fishermen thrown into a hard-core prison for the ''crime'' of fishing without the blessing of the unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats of the EU.
Lest you think that that the idiocies of the EU are a far-off mess, and let those folks stew in their own juices, think again. The EU is one of those wished-for models of Transnational Progressivism that is so beloved by some of our own home-grown fascisti. More to the point, it is the model for the North American Union that our ''progressives'', the Bilderberger types love so much.
One-World-Government gets closer all the time. And so, inevitably, there will be some casualties as we serfs are taught to tug on our forelocks as our ''betters'' tell us how to live.
Lest you think that that the idiocies of the EU are a far-off mess, and let those folks stew in their own juices, think again. The EU is one of those wished-for models of Transnational Progressivism that is so beloved by some of our own home-grown fascisti. More to the point, it is the model for the North American Union that our ''progressives'', the Bilderberger types love so much.
One-World-Government gets closer all the time. And so, inevitably, there will be some casualties as we serfs are taught to tug on our forelocks as our ''betters'' tell us how to live.
Today's Entry 5 April obersturmbanfuhrer Geithner updated the 6th
Go read the Constitution again. Should be no trouble locating a copy, there does not seem to be a great deal of interest in it. Certainly not in Washington. Certainly not among those near the White House.
Odd, I thought the US was a nation ruled by law and with the government highly restricted as to scope and power, with accountability and little things like 'checks and balances'. An obsolete concept, evidently.
Comes now one Tim Geithner. I do not recall being asked to vote for him. Do you? Probably not. But he has now, in as naked a seizure of power as we've seen in a while, perhaps since the Beer Hall Putsch (look it up), arrogated upon himself the authority to remove banking officials who have somehow offended his tender sensibilities.
Read about it here. Or here.
A shame, this was such a nice country once. Less so, daily.
OOOps! Forgot this one
Odd, I thought the US was a nation ruled by law and with the government highly restricted as to scope and power, with accountability and little things like 'checks and balances'. An obsolete concept, evidently.
Comes now one Tim Geithner. I do not recall being asked to vote for him. Do you? Probably not. But he has now, in as naked a seizure of power as we've seen in a while, perhaps since the Beer Hall Putsch (look it up), arrogated upon himself the authority to remove banking officials who have somehow offended his tender sensibilities.
Read about it here. Or here.
A shame, this was such a nice country once. Less so, daily.
OOOps! Forgot this one
liberal fascists,
today's winner
Monday, March 30, 2009
Today's Entry -- The New York Times (or Slimes)
Periodically we hear, see, or read some self-serving Drive-By Media type declaim with passion about newspapers. Ooop, make that NEWSPAPERS, and the Holy Calling that being an ordained Journalist is. How the world will come to an end, corruption abound unchecked. How this Sacred Fraternity, operating without fear or favor, is the nation's last bastion against the Powerful.
Bah!! Humbug! What a pile of steaming manure.
Interjection here: what we are going to be mentioning here are
Usually, these don't extend far. A blind eye to ''arranged'' zoning changes, a blind eye to illegal gambling operations, ''pay to play'' scams, prearranged construction contracts, ticket fixing, dropped DUI charges, or unenforced child support orders. Probably happens in your town or one near to you. As I said, generally the scope is local and limited.
But sometimes it isn't.
Sometimes the stories covered, or not covered, have ramifications that are national or international in their effects. Here's a good example. During the most recent campaign for President of the USA, there were plausible reports linking one candidate to a corrupt organization involved in vote-buying, intimidation, vote fraud, and a variety of other criminal behaviors that seemed to be intrinsic to that organization. A major newspaper, with national and international influence, had access to these reports and was in a position to judge their merit. And refused to air the stories. The term in the trade is ''spiked''. They did not spike the stories because they were not credible and verifiable. They spiked the stories because they judged (correctly) that an informed electorate might alter the voting pattern based upon this information.
Foolish me. I thought that was part of the self-proclaimed holy mission of these media cabals.
Obviously, that is not the case. The real mission of many, perhaps most, of these operations, is to support certain causes and candidates, and to oppose other causes and candidates. Bluntly, they are taking sides, no matter how they deny it.
Case in point: the offender here is the New York Times.
the corrupt organization is generally known as ACORN, an acronym for Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now
and the politician playing footsie with a corrupt organization? None other than one Barry Soetoro, also known as Barrack Hussein Obama.
Read up on it here.
Bah!! Humbug! What a pile of steaming manure.
Interjection here: what we are going to be mentioning here are
- slanted stories
- planted stories
- items not covered at all
Usually, these don't extend far. A blind eye to ''arranged'' zoning changes, a blind eye to illegal gambling operations, ''pay to play'' scams, prearranged construction contracts, ticket fixing, dropped DUI charges, or unenforced child support orders. Probably happens in your town or one near to you. As I said, generally the scope is local and limited.
But sometimes it isn't.
Sometimes the stories covered, or not covered, have ramifications that are national or international in their effects. Here's a good example. During the most recent campaign for President of the USA, there were plausible reports linking one candidate to a corrupt organization involved in vote-buying, intimidation, vote fraud, and a variety of other criminal behaviors that seemed to be intrinsic to that organization. A major newspaper, with national and international influence, had access to these reports and was in a position to judge their merit. And refused to air the stories. The term in the trade is ''spiked''. They did not spike the stories because they were not credible and verifiable. They spiked the stories because they judged (correctly) that an informed electorate might alter the voting pattern based upon this information.
Foolish me. I thought that was part of the self-proclaimed holy mission of these media cabals.
Obviously, that is not the case. The real mission of many, perhaps most, of these operations, is to support certain causes and candidates, and to oppose other causes and candidates. Bluntly, they are taking sides, no matter how they deny it.
Case in point: the offender here is the New York Times.
the corrupt organization is generally known as ACORN, an acronym for Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now
and the politician playing footsie with a corrupt organization? None other than one Barry Soetoro, also known as Barrack Hussein Obama.
Read up on it here.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Today's Mention -- Rep. John Larson
Ronald Reagan was famous for, among other things, noting the citizens have a government, not the other way around. Some people are too stupid, or power-drunk, to have paid attention to that. Or to little thinks like the 8th, 9th, and 10th Amendments tot he U. S. Constitution. Those are some parts of that document that demand limited government. And are widely ignored by both major parties and virtually every judge in the land.
Here's another example. Another nanny-stater, another liberal fascist. Care to guess the party?
Worse yet, one with power. As in, House Democratic Conference Chairman John Larson (D-Conn.). The people of Connecticut have proven quite often their preference for liars, knaves, and traitorous creeps in their choices to send off to Washington (and the statehouse as well).
This blithering idiot, this nincompoop, this dolt with delusions of grandeur and importance has taken yet another step in thrusting the nation deeper into tyranny. He has decided that it is up to the (federal) government to ''... Compel Consumers to Use Alternative Energy''. Odd, a thorough reading of the powers granted to the federal government in that Constitution does not reveal ANY grant of power to do this.
This is a naked power grab by another liberal fascist. And YOU pay this bum's salary!
FIRE him!!
Here's another example. Another nanny-stater, another liberal fascist. Care to guess the party?
Worse yet, one with power. As in, House Democratic Conference Chairman John Larson (D-Conn.). The people of Connecticut have proven quite often their preference for liars, knaves, and traitorous creeps in their choices to send off to Washington (and the statehouse as well).
This blithering idiot, this nincompoop, this dolt with delusions of grandeur and importance has taken yet another step in thrusting the nation deeper into tyranny. He has decided that it is up to the (federal) government to ''... Compel Consumers to Use Alternative Energy''. Odd, a thorough reading of the powers granted to the federal government in that Constitution does not reveal ANY grant of power to do this.
This is a naked power grab by another liberal fascist. And YOU pay this bum's salary!
FIRE him!!
Friday, March 20, 2009
Today's (dis)-Honorable Mention
Go read the U.S. Constitution. It is not long, the words are not hard, it's worth the effort. You can find a copy on-line here. in pdf format. Or here. Every U.S. citizen should read it periodically, it's part of our vanishing heritage as a once-free nation.
Now, having done so, a question or two:
Case in point. One fed judge with delusions of adequacy. Comes one creepo slinking about under the designator of U.S. District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly. By the way, this is yet another ''legacy'' of the sleazy Clinton mis-administration. And now this sad overindulger in good Oxygen has not only found ALL the above matters within the Constitution and, further, has imagined herself to be the female equivalent of 'The Superior Man' as the Ye Ching puts it. And has found the grant of power, somehow hidden from we lower beings, to put a stop to a rule change that worked its way through the Bush administration for years. Repead, YEARS. And this dimwit has deemed it, somehow, notwithstanding that, to be a 'last minute'' change. Guess she not only is not conversant with the Constitution as written, but has not spent much time pondering the plain meaning of the 2nd Amendment either.
Arrogance and incompetence should have a remedy.
Now, having done so, a question or two:
- do you see there, anywhere, the grant of power to a judge, at ANY level to ''make law''?
- do you see there, anywhere, any reference whatever to the supremacy of the judicial branch?
- any reference, perhaps, to 'precedent' as having a superior or even equal weight as the written statutes?
Case in point. One fed judge with delusions of adequacy. Comes one creepo slinking about under the designator of U.S. District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly. By the way, this is yet another ''legacy'' of the sleazy Clinton mis-administration. And now this sad overindulger in good Oxygen has not only found ALL the above matters within the Constitution and, further, has imagined herself to be the female equivalent of 'The Superior Man' as the Ye Ching puts it. And has found the grant of power, somehow hidden from we lower beings, to put a stop to a rule change that worked its way through the Bush administration for years. Repead, YEARS. And this dimwit has deemed it, somehow, notwithstanding that, to be a 'last minute'' change. Guess she not only is not conversant with the Constitution as written, but has not spent much time pondering the plain meaning of the 2nd Amendment either.
FIRE her!
FIRE U.S. District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly
Arrogance and incompetence should have a remedy.
FIRE U.S. District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly
FIRE U.S. District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly
FIRE U.S. District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly
FIRE U.S. District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly
FIRE U.S. District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly
FIRE U.S. District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly
FIRE U.S. District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
A New Low -- Banning Farmer's Markets??!?!?!
There is no nice way to put this: Obama and, it seems, ALL of the louts and goons who support him are fascisti in the most technically correct way. No, they don't wave banners with the swastika (or the hammer and sickle). Yet. But the more I see, the more that I see a bunch that would have supported Mao's 'Great Leap Forward', Stalin's war against the kulaks, or Benny Mussolini's campaigns.
Case in point: there is now a proposal, a serious one it seems to, well, let me quote a better writer than I am.Change We Can Believe In: How About the End of Farmers Markets? Say Hello to H.R. 875: Food Safety Modernization Act of 2009Neat, huh?
What this will do is force anyone who produces food of any kind, and then transports it to a different location for sale, to register with a new federal agency called the “Food Safety Administration.” Even growers who sell just fruit and/or vegetables at farmers markets would not only have to register, but they would be subject inspections by federal agents of their property and all records related to food production. The frequency of these inspections will be determined by the whim of the Food Safety Administration. Mandatory “safety” records would have to be kept. Anyone who fails to register and comply with all of this nonsense could be facing a fine of up to $1,000,000 per violation.
By some accounts, this could outlaw the hot-dog salesman, the pizza delivery, much else.
Let's play 'Guess The Party''!!
Ok, no fair. The author of this piece of asinine fascism is one Rep. Rosa DeLauro, D-CT. You knew it would be a Democrat, didn't you? And you are not surprised, are you, that this chunk of human detritus originates from Connecticut? I mean really.
Tell me again why we fought against Hitler and Mussolini. It would appear that they won.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Barney Frank, Part 2 of Many
Some members of the Kakistocracy deserve to be named to the All-Star team. Barney Frank is one of those. We could, and may well, devote many a post to this creep and to the cloud of creeps around him, but not today.
At any rate, once in a while, someone else puts out something that is so good, you can't top it and instead need to give it wider play. Click on this and you will see what I mean.
At any rate, once in a while, someone else puts out something that is so good, you can't top it and instead need to give it wider play. Click on this and you will see what I mean.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Honorable Mention of 1 March 2009 The E.P.A.
Fascists (or is that fascisti ?)
Meddling dolts.
Yep, that pretty well describes the EPA under the best of circumstances.
Now, get this. They have presumed the power to regulate the dust that comes about when farmers plow the fields that they thought were their own. One version of the story is here.
Shut down the EPA! Close it down! This is not, and never has been, an operation whose existence is to be found within the grant of powers of the US constitution. Bluntly, it's an illegal agency. Not just stupid, not just populated by unaccountable bureaucrats who answer to no citizen, but an operation funded by taxes, and whose very existence is a violation of the Constitution.
Close it down!
Fascists (or is that fascisti ?)
Meddling dolts.
Yep, that pretty well describes the EPA under the best of circumstances.
Now, get this. They have presumed the power to regulate the dust that comes about when farmers plow the fields that they thought were their own. One version of the story is here.
Shut down the EPA! Close it down! This is not, and never has been, an operation whose existence is to be found within the grant of powers of the US constitution. Bluntly, it's an illegal agency. Not just stupid, not just populated by unaccountable bureaucrats who answer to no citizen, but an operation funded by taxes, and whose very existence is a violation of the Constitution.
Close it down!
lawyers as creeps,
liberal fascists,
Today's Nominee -- Adolfo Carrion
Is it just me, or does the word ''carrion'' bring to mind a squished skunk on the side of the road? Well, at least the skunk part fits with this lout.
Does anyone other than me think that the use of the term ''czar'' to describe appointees to various offices within the Federal Executive is incompatible with a representative federal republic with severely limited central government reach and power, and accountability for all such? It does seem to be more than a bit too much like the various gauleiters under the National Socialists or the Blackshirts.
Such positions rarely attract good people, and here's another such case.
The person on stage is one Adolfo Carrion, formerly a borough president in the Bronx, and based upon this story in the NY Daily News, ''pay to play'' was not a stranger to him. Now Obamarama is putting him into the post of ''urban czar''.
Yep, more of that ''hope and change''.
Does anyone other than me think that the use of the term ''czar'' to describe appointees to various offices within the Federal Executive is incompatible with a representative federal republic with severely limited central government reach and power, and accountability for all such? It does seem to be more than a bit too much like the various gauleiters under the National Socialists or the Blackshirts.
Such positions rarely attract good people, and here's another such case.
The person on stage is one Adolfo Carrion, formerly a borough president in the Bronx, and based upon this story in the NY Daily News, ''pay to play'' was not a stranger to him. Now Obamarama is putting him into the post of ''urban czar''.
Yep, more of that ''hope and change''.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Kakistocrat of the Day 28 Feb 2009 Chas Freeman
It is astonishing how many worthless louts are associated with Obamarama. Here is another one. No one should be astonished that a person who is a long-term apologist for the Islamo-fascists of Saudi-infested Arabia AND the mass-murdering ChiCom ''heroes'' of Tien An Men Square should thereby qualify for an appointment in a national security post for Obama.
In a better time, such a person would have been, at the very least, had his shadow spit upon and cast from the company of honest men. That latter part is, I think, still the case, but honor and decency seem to be strangers to the new bandits in the Executive Branch.
Read up on here. Or here. Or here. And here.
Quite a record of creeps there, Obama. And those of you who voted these louts in, I hope you are proud of yourselves.
In a better time, such a person would have been, at the very least, had his shadow spit upon and cast from the company of honest men. That latter part is, I think, still the case, but honor and decency seem to be strangers to the new bandits in the Executive Branch.
Read up on here. Or here. Or here. And here.
Quite a record of creeps there, Obama. And those of you who voted these louts in, I hope you are proud of yourselves.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Today's Winner. Or is that weenie?
There are so many ''worthy'' candidates. Really there are.
But we need a truly worthless one, a politician who proves not only that he is a worthless bums, but that the voters in that state, having elected his treasonous and worthless father to office for far too long, but that they are stupid enough to continue the family racket. And, oddly enough, it is not one of the worthless Kennedy (spit, spit) klan.
No, today's weenie is one Christopher Dodd. It would take quite a lot to describe all the ways that he is a worthless bum. The damage that he has done to this country simply in the area of financial machinations is amazing. But take a look at this story. You probably won't see it on CBS or in the New York Slimes. Take a look.
But we need a truly worthless one, a politician who proves not only that he is a worthless bums, but that the voters in that state, having elected his treasonous and worthless father to office for far too long, but that they are stupid enough to continue the family racket. And, oddly enough, it is not one of the worthless Kennedy (spit, spit) klan.
No, today's weenie is one Christopher Dodd. It would take quite a lot to describe all the ways that he is a worthless bum. The damage that he has done to this country simply in the area of financial machinations is amazing. But take a look at this story. You probably won't see it on CBS or in the New York Slimes. Take a look.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
''Alleged Beheading'' ????
Not all of the kakistocracy is in government, of course. A whole lot is, of course, and not just in elected positions either.
Some of it, very much, is in academia. We'll get to some of that later.
But the chattering classes in the news media are filled with some of these dolts. And ''dolt'' is about the nicest word that I can think of.
Here is a pretty good example of it. A person who has managed to have a piece published in the Toronto Star. Kathy English, writing there, seems to feel that the murder of a woman by her husband for the ''crime'' of wanting a divorce should not be connected to his Muslim faith nor Shariah law. Now, self-delusion and willful blindness are not all that rare. But we rarely get so far into denial as to descend to a phrase such as ''alleged beheading''. That's a new low. There was nothing ''alleged'' about this, the guy cut his wife's head off. Something almost unknown, by the way, except amongst the Muslims of the world. Pretty much a characteristic of that bunch.
Yet, somehow, these ''molders of public opinion'' can't be bothered to admit it, and deliberately obscure the truth.
So, Kathy English and your cohorts at the Red Star North, you are hereby elected to 'Kakistocrat of the Day'. Take your bow.
Some of it, very much, is in academia. We'll get to some of that later.
But the chattering classes in the news media are filled with some of these dolts. And ''dolt'' is about the nicest word that I can think of.
Here is a pretty good example of it. A person who has managed to have a piece published in the Toronto Star. Kathy English, writing there, seems to feel that the murder of a woman by her husband for the ''crime'' of wanting a divorce should not be connected to his Muslim faith nor Shariah law. Now, self-delusion and willful blindness are not all that rare. But we rarely get so far into denial as to descend to a phrase such as ''alleged beheading''. That's a new low. There was nothing ''alleged'' about this, the guy cut his wife's head off. Something almost unknown, by the way, except amongst the Muslims of the world. Pretty much a characteristic of that bunch.
Yet, somehow, these ''molders of public opinion'' can't be bothered to admit it, and deliberately obscure the truth.
So, Kathy English and your cohorts at the Red Star North, you are hereby elected to 'Kakistocrat of the Day'. Take your bow.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
The Idiocy Of, and Idiots Involved In, the Faux 'Stimulus''
Other than the idiocy of the entire concept, the details of this asinine boondoggle just continue to amaze me. Here's a good example: the louts have managed to de-rail the whole E-Verify system, thereby guaranteeing that many of the few ''infrastructure'' jobs that may be 'created' will go to the illegal aliens that populate the construction business. Of course, they have also pretended to deal with that by making these jobs be unionized jobs. Big payoff for the AFL-CIO thugs, of course.
And now we find that one of these ''stimulus'' provisions is to provide habitat for a mouse in Speaker Nancy Pelousy's district. Some benefit to the country's economy, right?
And now we find that one of these ''stimulus'' provisions is to provide habitat for a mouse in Speaker Nancy Pelousy's district. Some benefit to the country's economy, right?
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Yes the inmates have taken over .... uh, well, the burglars have claimed title ...
Some things you really expect to be quips from the Onion. That would make sense.
Some things do not make sense. As in the case of criminal invaders, criminals I say, being somehow deemed to have 'standing' to enter an action against someone, an American citizen, who was (boo! hiss!) trying to prevent them from their criminal activities.
Read this. Then weep for the nation that we love, the nation that is dying the death of a thousand cuts.
I am in favor of a bounty on the ears of illegal aliens. But I am even more in favor of one, a higher payment, for creepy lawyers. And more than a few judges.
Some things do not make sense. As in the case of criminal invaders, criminals I say, being somehow deemed to have 'standing' to enter an action against someone, an American citizen, who was (boo! hiss!) trying to prevent them from their criminal activities.
Read this. Then weep for the nation that we love, the nation that is dying the death of a thousand cuts.
I am in favor of a bounty on the ears of illegal aliens. But I am even more in favor of one, a higher payment, for creepy lawyers. And more than a few judges.
judges as creeps,
lawyers as creeps,
Sunday, February 8, 2009
A Visual Example
This is as good a visual example as you are likely to see today.
Note: this is not a commercial and this blog gets nothing, nada, from any commercial sites. But it is pretty cool.
Note: this is not a commercial and this blog gets nothing, nada, from any commercial sites. But it is pretty cool.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Zero Tolerance Means Zero Brains
There are those who presume to rule over us, whether we will or not. Some occupy high office, with titles we recognize, faces on TV, and names we know. Others secrete themselves in the bureaucracy, issuing regulations with the force of law but without the accountability that comes with elected position. Some are on the national scale. Others merely pollute the small region that unhappily houses them.
Comes now a story out of Denver, Colorado. Read it and weep for the destruction of good sense and the ascendancy of idiocy.
Did you know that a fabrication of foam and duct tape, used as a prop in a marching drill team for the Young Marines, constitutes a ''dangerous weapon'' that REQUIRES a high school student to be expelled from High School?
Unhappily, some of the worst idiots are in the school systems. Some blame the unions. They're wrong, mostly. The unions are a symptom of idiocy, not the first cause.
Meanwhile, reflect that imbeciles such as this have day-to-day control over YOUR kids, and your neighbors' kids and on down the line.
Comes now a story out of Denver, Colorado. Read it and weep for the destruction of good sense and the ascendancy of idiocy.
Did you know that a fabrication of foam and duct tape, used as a prop in a marching drill team for the Young Marines, constitutes a ''dangerous weapon'' that REQUIRES a high school student to be expelled from High School?
Unhappily, some of the worst idiots are in the school systems. Some blame the unions. They're wrong, mostly. The unions are a symptom of idiocy, not the first cause.
Meanwhile, reflect that imbeciles such as this have day-to-day control over YOUR kids, and your neighbors' kids and on down the line.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
February 03, 2009
When one starts to list those who comprise the kakistocracy, the hard part is knowing where to start. The numbers, in comparison to the world population, are not that great, but it's a group one could not count on fingers and toes. Being a technical sort of person, the inclination is always to create categories, sub-categories, and rate that rascals. And, of course, there is always the fact that some of these scoundrels belong in more than one category.
Let us begin with one truly worthless scoundrel: Al Gore.
He fits in more than one category, obviously:
I do not blame him for being wrong. All of us have been wrong, all of us have been mistaken, more than a few us, certainly including yours truly, have been a jerk once or twice. But Al Gore has been exceptional in all of those areas, and has added to it his determination to make life miserable for any person or persons who have the temerity to disagree with him. Case in point, the story of Dr. Will Happer, once the Director of Energy at the Department of Energy. Until 1993, when Al Gore fired him for disagreeing about the fraud of global warming. Read about it in this account out of the United States Senate.
You can't make this stuff up -- There's a Global Warming thing going on in Buffalo, NY. Temperature there hit -6 Farenheit. I think that they would have preferred warming. By the way, based on the history, warming is good for people. Cold is bad, very bad. Not that the illiterati have figured that out. Read here and laugh.
Let us begin with one truly worthless scoundrel: Al Gore.
He fits in more than one category, obviously:
- environazi
- politician
- liberal fascist
I do not blame him for being wrong. All of us have been wrong, all of us have been mistaken, more than a few us, certainly including yours truly, have been a jerk once or twice. But Al Gore has been exceptional in all of those areas, and has added to it his determination to make life miserable for any person or persons who have the temerity to disagree with him. Case in point, the story of Dr. Will Happer, once the Director of Energy at the Department of Energy. Until 1993, when Al Gore fired him for disagreeing about the fraud of global warming. Read about it in this account out of the United States Senate.
You can't make this stuff up -- There's a Global Warming thing going on in Buffalo, NY. Temperature there hit -6 Farenheit. I think that they would have preferred warming. By the way, based on the history, warming is good for people. Cold is bad, very bad. Not that the illiterati have figured that out. Read here and laugh.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
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